Weekend Wanderings #18: Dublin & Copenhagen🍀🥐🎅🏼

Hi! Happy MONDAY from Forest Heights in beautiful Athens, Georgia. Just wanted to eek out one more newsletter this year. Thank you sooo much for subscribing/reading! ☺️

Conceptually, I like “slow travel” but since Jason and I can’t take extensive time off work and we’re kinda crazy, we’ve become wackass “fast travel” people instead. This time we went to Copenhagen and Dublin. It broke down to about $807 per person (flights, parking, hotels, transportation, food, activities) and we had a great time: 2 days in Copenhagen (the city with objectively the best taste and design) and 2 days in Dublin (super fun and honestly reminds me a lot of Athens, GA). Please feel free to steal our itinerary if you too get a killer flight deal and feel like going hard for 4 days.

Take care and see you next year! 💚🌟❤️
